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13 Brentford Rd 3:34 Wed Nov 9
Boycott the World Cup!
Originally bid for and sold to the great unwashed as a summer World cup.
A tiny country with little or no sporting or football heritage.
At least 600 immigrants (slaves) have died constructing the stadiums.
An undemocratic country with a terrible human rights record that persecutes minorities.

We all know it's about money, a totally corrupt decision that I will not endorse or take part in.
F@ck FIFA!

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

REALGSA 12:59 Mon Dec 19
Re: Boycott the World Cup!
Best World Cup I have ever seen! The Final was one of the greatest entertainments also!

terry-h 9:53 Sun Dec 18
Re: Boycott the World Cup!
Enjoyed the match!
Now I'm watching the end of The Italian Job on Channel 5. You can't beat the entertainment of Michael Caine at his best.

Side of Ham 9:27 Sun Dec 18
Re: Boycott the World Cup!
I missed it but not through boycotting it, just had life experiences that has put football into perspective for me and have never regained the importance of watching other nations/clubs play in the big games.

Glad it's been a good one for you all though just as I'm sad when any West Ham following has been let down by our performance after taking the time & effort.

There is always worse just as there is better things to deal with!

On The Ball 9:23 Sun Dec 18
Re: Boycott the World Cup!
As if he didn't watch it.

Manuel 8:54 Sun Dec 18
Re: Boycott the World Cup!
Imagine missing that and then watching our dreary lot at Arsenal. Dear oh dear.

bruuuno 8:22 Sun Dec 18
Re: Boycott the World Cup!
Word on the grapevine is that rd had a last minute change of mind and went out there and kicked the doors in to watch the final

scouse kid 8:19 Sun Dec 18
Re: Boycott the World Cup!
Fillet of Fish around for the winners I hope

goose 8:13 Sun Dec 18
Re: Boycott the World Cup!
Gutted 13BR?

Throws hissy fit & misses greatest WC final possibly ever.

Mike Oxsaw 6:08 Wed Nov 23
Re: Boycott the World Cup!

Vorsprung Deutsche Nipsnick, then

Northern Sold 2:46 Wed Nov 23
Re: Boycott the World Cup!
Mike Oxsaw 12:15 Wed Nov 23
Re: Boycott the World Cup!
mashed in maryland 12:06 Wed Nov 23

Not having lived or worked in India, I have no view on that worthy of a comment.

bloody hell... that's a first....

Side of Ham 1:27 Wed Nov 23
Re: Boycott the World Cup!
SurfaceAgentX2Zero 11:22 Wed Nov 23

Nope Surf that is not the logic.....

Yes Arnold Hills formed the club for his workers he even went and lived with his workers he wanted to GIVE them the game be on a level with them having played it. Many English football clubs are based on this type of forming.....at Crickets core is an old gentlemans club with ties & straw hat wanky things that those toffs come up with, they wanted it to be exclusive (see Lords club house) but instead due to introducing it to countries they invaded it became a way to appease locals. Snobbery has always been the core with their set up even calling their club houses 'Pavillion's'. Australians and the like love having cricket as a sport to really stick it up the English and their poncey tradition.

Now football has gone the same way due to the money it can make......but it's ROOTS are firmly rooted in the working man......men that they now let die with little conscience it seems.....to build one of their money spinning competitions.

Cricket is simply now the best tool for ex-colonials to batter us with.... at any given opportunity. Workers TOOK the game on and have made it their own and if they didn't it's likely the game would struggle. The uproar there has been when the rabble have dared make the game more aggressive has been historically noted. In football they had to calm it down.

A contrast in the classes......

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 12:17 Wed Nov 23
Re: Boycott the World Cup!

Here you are:

Eknath Solkar, Karsan Ghavri, Vinod Kambli, and Bhuvneshwar Kumar

I remember 'Ekki' Solkar. Used to bowl about five overs at the start of an innings to take the shine off the ball for Bedi, Venkat, Chandrasehka and Prassana. Then fielded insanely close at pre-helmet short-leg.

Mike Oxsaw 12:15 Wed Nov 23
Re: Boycott the World Cup!
mashed in maryland 12:06 Wed Nov 23

Not having lived or worked in India, I have no view on that worthy of a comment.

In 4 years, it was never, ever, mentioned by the Indian contractors I worked with in Muscat, so I can't even put up a once-removed opinion on the sport.

mashed in maryland 12:06 Wed Nov 23
Re: Boycott the World Cup!

Mike Oxsaw 11:34 Wed Nov 23

Is kabaddi the game of the urban working class in India?

Far Cough 11:50 Wed Nov 23
Re: Boycott the World Cup!
I lived and supported the first team to win the FA Vase in 1975.

Hoddesdon Town FC

I got to go to Wembley twice that season and both times my teams won.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 11:40 Wed Nov 23
Re: Boycott the World Cup!
Upon further investigation, it seems that cricket is a far more egalitarian game than football. It abolished the amateur/professional distinction in 1962 while football clung on until 1974.

Probably the gates thing and calling only the amateurs 'gentlemen' made it a more pressing issue.

Mike Oxsaw 11:34 Wed Nov 23
Re: Boycott the World Cup!
mashed in maryland 10:38 Wed Nov 23

That was certainly the case in Oman, where they use the same sources for their migrant workers.

The only fellow contractors I met that showed an interest in football were mainly occidental (with one exception, based in Coventry) and the occasional local who's interest stopped outside whoever was currently top of the Premier League.

The only places showing games were the expat/international hotels, at which the immigrants from the Indian sub-continent could not even afford to stand outside of, let alone offer their patronage.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 11:33 Wed Nov 23
Re: Boycott the World Cup!

I don't have a list, but Vinod Kambli (1993-2000) was the last one.


SurfaceAgentX2Zero 11:28 Wed Nov 23
Re: Boycott the World Cup!

Didn't football have exactly the same amateur and professional distinctions as cricket? The definitions were abolished at about the same time, I think (early sixties? - whenever the FA Amateur Cup was replaced by the Vase and Trophy). It's just that toff's weren't as good at football as they were at cricket, so never gained as high a profile - too many rugger schools, I expect.

I'll admit the separate gates thing was peculiar to cricket...

Far Cough 11:27 Wed Nov 23
Re: Boycott the World Cup!
Surf, as a matter of interest, do you have the names of an Untouchable who played test cricket for India?

I would love it, just love it if Sunil Gavaskar or Sachin Tendulkar were Dalits but somehow I don't think they are?

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 11:22 Wed Nov 23
Re: Boycott the World Cup!

Using your logic, West Ham is a 'toff's' club. It was formed by filthy rich Arnold Hills to keep the rabble happy at his Thames Ironworks.

Cricket, like football, was a working man's game, banned in many areas for breaching the Sabbath. It just happened to become the favoured betting vehicle of the landed gentry whilst football was the favoured betting vehicle of the filthy-rich industrialist. All those working-class professionals in cricket didn't spring from nowhere. They, like professional footballers, had learned their craft, not on the playing fields of Eton and Oxbridge, but in village and factory teams. They were recruited by rich men to, in the most part, help them win bets.

Incidentally, you'd have a very long afternoon indeed trying to persuade an Aussie that cricket is a 'toff's game'.

You're on slightly surer ground with your questions about India. The local peasants (Dalit caste?) couldn't really give a fuck about the colour or nationality of who was oppressing them. It was the Indian 'toff's' who wanted to be 'British' who were keen on cricket. I think there have only ever been about four 'untouchables' in the India test team.

However, if it was supposed to be a way of giving the finger to their colonists, it was a very poor way of doing it. India never won a game against the hated English whilst it was a colony.

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